There are some truly bizarre phones out there, and we’ve compiled the five weirdest of them for your perusal. From a phone that can turn into a robot to one that records your dreams, these devices are sure to make you ask yourself, “What the heck is going on?”

  1. The Phone That Can Turn Into a Robot This phone is definitely out of this world! It can transform into a robot and even walk around on two legs! This could be really handy if you need to go somewhere and don’t want to carry your regular phone with you. Plus, it would be fun to show off to your friends!
  2. The Phone That Records Your Dreams This phone is definitely unique and interesting! It records your dreams and then stores them on the device for later playback. This could be really helpful if you have trouble remembering your dreams or if you just want to keep track of them so that you can remember what happened in them. Plus, it would be fun to watch yourself dream in real time!
  3. The Phone That Can Play Music from Anywhere in the World This phone is amazing! It can play music from anywhere in the world without having to connect to any networks or devices. This could be really helpful if you are traveling and want to listen to music without having to carry any extra equipment with you. Plus, it would be fun to use this feature at home too! ..

Like in our list of the ugliest phones of all time, many of the phones in this list are pretty old. The beginning of the mobile phone era saw companies taking a lot of risks and everyone was trying to figure out what people wanted. That led to some big hits and some major “what were they thinking?” moments. Enjoy.

RELATED: The Top 5 Ugliest Phones of All Time

Microsoft Kin

“Bizarre” doesn’t always mean “bad,” but it also doesn’t mean the device was a success. The Microsoft Kin was a strange device with some very interesting ideas. Ultimately, it didn’t sell very well, but it was certainly bizarre.

The Kin was launched at a weird time. It was right before Microsoft decided to go all-in with Windows Phone 7. The user interface on the Kin has similar vibes to what would eventually become Windows Phone, but this wasn’t a smartphone. It was a very small—and cute—feature phone with a slide-out keyboard.

Sadly, the cute-ness didn’t matter. The Kin—which was actually several different models—was basically dead on arrival.

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Motorola Backflip

There are a lot of ways to put a physical keyboard on a phone. You can flip it, slide it, and even swivel it. Motorola took the flipping concept and used it in a very strange way, with the keyboard on the back of the phone.

A typical flip phone has the keyboard fold to meet the screen, both protected inside when closed. The Motorola Backflip had the keyboard behind the display and you would flip it forward to have the keyboard underneath the display.

I think there’s a reason why no other phone has done this. Why have the keyboard out all the time like that? It’s never protected and your hands are always touching it when you hold the phone. Motorola’s Flipout was a better idea.


Some bizarre ideas are actually good ideas. The Yotaphone attempted to solve a problem in a very unique way. LCD and LED displays eat up a lot of battery. What if you have a low-power display that you could use for simple tasks?

The Yotaphone had two displays: On the front, a typical full-color smartphone display on the front. On the back, an e-ink display like you’d find on a Kindle or other eReader. The idea was you could save power by using the e-ink display. It was actually a pretty cool idea, but it never really caught on.

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Toshiba G450

You’re looking at the photo of the Toshiba phone above. I probably don’t need to tell you why this is a bizarre phone, but I will anyway. What’s going on here?

The number buttons and display are spread out across three round sections and the entire device is the shape of a contacts case. It’s an incredibly strange-looking phone. I’m sure it’s very comfortable to hold, but it just looks weird. Futuristic in a bad way.

Siemens Xelibri 6

Seimens had a whole line of phones under the “Xelibri” brand in 2004. The most bizarre of the bunch was the Xelebri 6. Imagine making a phone out of a makeup compact. That’s exactly what this phone is.

It opens with a literal mirror on one side, with a small display in the middle. The number buttons were spread out in an array around the center of the bottom. And on top of it all is the tiny navigation pad and bold gold color.

Of all the phones on this list, the Siemens Xelibri 6 is the most bizarre because it was basically designed to be that way. Some phones end up being weird on accident, but Seimens was specifically doing for something very different, and it succeeded.