If you’re a music lover, then you know that there’s no way to keep all your music in one place. You might have a few CDs and vinyls around, but chances are good that you also have an iTunes library and an Amazon cloud storage account. And if you’re like most people, you probably also have a Spotify account. There’s no need to worry though - there are ways to keep all your music in one place without having to use any software or even the command line. In this article, we’ll show you how to keep all your music in one place on Linux using the aptitude tool and the wget tool. First, let’s start with aptitude. aptitude is a command line tool that helps manage your package installations. To use aptitude, we need to install it first: sudo apt-get install aptitude

Music on Console

Of course, Linux is well served with music players. Rhythmbox, Clementine, and Strawberry are fully-featured, sophisticated, and polished applications for managing your music collections. As well as playing your music they’ll do things like search for and download missing album art, play podcasts and internet radio, and edit the meta-data in the files themselves.

But what if you want to access your music collection from a terminal window, without the overhead of a fully-loaded music player? Music on Console, or MOC, is a program that allows you to do just that. It loads in the blink of an eye, lets you search your music collection, find what you want to play, and just play it.

It supports multiple sound file formats, playlists, and even basic themes. If you’re a keyboard junkie and tend to hang around in terminal windows, MOC is a natural fit for you. It is fully keyboard-controlled. Once the keybindings burn themselves into your muscle memory you can control MOC without having to take your hands off your keyboard.

When you have a long-running process in a terminal window there’s always the chance that you close the terminal window by accident. But even if you do, MOC’s got a neat trick to deal with that too.

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Installing MOC

Installing MOC on Ubuntu is straightforward:

To install MOC on Manjaro is just as easy:

To install MOC on Fedora takes a few extra steps.

First, we use wget to download the details of the RPM Fusion repository. We were using Fedora 34. If you’re using a different version such as 35, substitute the version you’re using for the “34” in the command.

Then we install the details of that repository.

With that done, we can go ahead and install MOC:

The MOC Config File

On Ubuntu and Manjaro, MOC started straight away. On Fedora, we had to edit the MOC configuration file first. It’s a good idea to edit the MOC configuration file anyway, to add the location of your music directory. The configuration file is called “config” and is located in the “.moc” directory in your home directory.

Open a terminal window and make sure you’re in your home directory. Open the configuration file in an editor. We used gedit:

Find and edit, or add these two lines. Replace “dave” in these lines with the name of your own user account:

On Fedora, we also had to add this line:

TiMidity is a MIDI library used by MOC.

For security reasons, we need to make sure the configuration file is only writable by the owner. We’ll use the chmod command with the read-write/read/read mask of 644.

Now we’re ready to start MOC.

First Steps with MOC

The command to start MOC is mocp. Note the added “p” that stands for “player.”

The default view has a directory listing on the left and a playlist on the right. If you’ve configured your music directory in your “.moc/config” configuration file, MOC will open with your music directory displayed in the left-hand pane.

If you navigate away from your music directory, you can quickly return to it by pressing the “m” key.

You can move the highlight bar with the “Up” and “Down” arrow keys, and the “Home”, “End”, “PgUp” and “PgDn” keys. Hitting “Enter” will select the highlighted item.

If a directory is highlighted, you’ll enter that directory. If the highlight is on the “. . /” symbol you’ll go up one directory in the directory tree. If you’re highlighting a music file, MOC will play that music file.

The “Space Bar” or the “p” key pauses and unpauses playback. The keybindings in MOC are case-sensitive, so make sure you use a lowercase “p.” The “s” key stops playback.

Pressing the “,” and “.” keys decreases or increases the volume by 5%. For fine control, “<” and “>” adjust the volume in steps of 1%. Pressing “Alt” with a number key from 1 to 9 sets the volume to 10%, 20% up to 90%.

Closing MOC

Uppercase “Q” closes MOC and stops playback. Pressing lowercase “q” closes the MOC client but leaves the back end running.

That means you can close the MOC client—and the terminal window—and MOC will continue to play music in the background. Opening a new terminal window and using the mocp command starts a new client that automatically connects to the background process, letting you regain control of it.

Using Playlists

Pressing “a” with a music file or directory highlighted adds them to the playlist. Handily, the highlight is moved to the item below the one you just added.

Pressing “d” with a playlist item highlighted removes that item from the playlist. Once you have some items in the playlist pane you can move between the directory and playlist panes using the “Tab” key.

Pressing the “l” key (lowercase “L” for “layout”) toggles between the default “dual pane” view and a single pane view.

In the single pane view, the “Tab” key still swaps between the directory listing and playlist views, but with one “maximized” single pane.

Useful Keybindings

Playing about with MOC for ten minutes will give you most of what you need to know. You can get help by pressing “h” or “?”, but here’s a quick list of the most important keys.

Closing MOC

q: Close the client, leave MOC running in the background. Q: Close the client and the background process.

Playing Music

Enter: Play a track.
Space or p: Pause playback.
n: Next track.
b: Previous track.
s: Stop playback.
,: Reduce volume by 5%.
Increase volume by 5%. <: Reduce volume by 1%.

: Increase volume by 1%.

Using Playlists

a: Add a track to the playlist. Also works with directories. A: Add a directory to the playlist. d: Delete an item from the playlist. C: Clear the playlist. u: Move a track up in the playlist. j: Move a track down in the playlist.


Tab: Move between the directory and playlist panes l: Switch between two-pane and single-pane layouts. /: Search directory and track names.


Music on Console is refreshingly straightforward and satisfyingly competent. It gives you all the basic functions of a music player, accessible from the keyboard.

That’s music to a terminal jockey’s ears.

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