Email has long been a staple in the workplace, but as chat and meetings become front and center, Gmail is becoming an even more important tool. Chat is the fastest way to get information across the organization. It’s also a great way to connect with colleagues outside of work hours. And because it’s asynchronous, chat can be used for brainstorming and problem solving. Meetings are also becoming more important in the modern workplace. They can help teams share ideas and work together on projects. But they can also be time-consuming and disruptive. That’s why it’s important to find a meeting format that works best for your team. Gmail is perfect for bothchatting and meeting because it has all of the features you need to get work done. It’s easy to use, has a wide range of integrations, and is constantly updated with new features. ..

The change will be available to try starting February 8, 2022. It’ll become the default in April 2022. At that time, users can manually switch back to the old Gmail view if they’re not fans of the new look and feel. However, by the end of Q2 2022, Google said it’ll eliminate the old view and require all users to switch to the new one.

The new view has large buttons on the left side of the screen that’ll let you flip between chat and meetings quickly and easily in a more Outlook-like feel. It’s a move that makes sense, as Google wants you to use all of its tools instead of relying on something like Teams or Zoom for meetings. Putting them all front and center might incentivize people to use Google’s tools.

“We hope this new experience makes it easier for you to stay on top of what’s important and get work done faster in a single, focused location. Further, this will help reduce the need to switch between various applications, windows, or tabs,” said Google in a blog post.

We’ll have to wait and see how quickly people are willing to switch to the new view and how users feel when they can’t go back to the older one.

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