DuckDuckGo is a search engine that offers a cheat sheet feature that is awesome. This feature allows users to easily find information about the websites they are looking for. The cheat sheet is easy to use and provides a lot of information about the website. DuckDuckGo also offers a lot of features that make their cheat sheet feature even more awesome. For example, the cheat sheet features links to pages on the website, images of the website, and more.

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Let’s say you want to get more handy with shortcuts and hotkeys when you’re browsing the web. On either desktop or mobile, just search for chrome cheatsheet in DuckDuckGo, and you’ll get a snippet of useful keyboard shortcuts for Chrome.

You can click “Show More” to get a more extensive list, or “More at Chrome Help” for a complete guide.

You can find shortcuts and hotkeys for other applications by replacing chrome with the name of another app, like Firefox or Photoshop. It’s much faster than trying to find and navigate the application’s user guide, and the “More” button will usually link to that user guide if you need it.

This feature works with more than just apps, though. You’ll find cheat sheets for Windows, Mac, and even Linux desktop environments like GNOME and i3. Programming languages such as Python and C also get coverage with explanations of basic code, plus markup languages like HTML and Markdown.

It’s worth noting that the project behind the feature, called DuckDuckHack, is unfortunately on hiatus while DuckDuckGo focuses on its privacy features. For that reason, you might come across some outdated information. We hope the DuckDuckGo team revives the project soon, as it’s an exceptionally useful tool that you don’t get in any other popular search engine.

If you find the cheat sheet function handy yourself, you can make searches even faster by making DuckDuckGo your default search engine.

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