Linux malware is on the rise, and experts say that 2022 might be the year it becomes a major problem. Linux malware has been on the rise in recent years, with experts predicting that 2022 might be the year it becomes a major problem. Linux malware is typically used to steal data or attack systems, and experts say that this type of malware is becoming more sophisticated all the time. Linux malware is often difficult to detect and prevent, which means that it can cause a lot of damage if it’s not detected and stopped quickly. Experts recommend that businesses take steps to protect themselves against Linux malware in order to avoid any potential damage or loss of data. ..

Essentially, so many IoT devices are targeted because they can be easily recruited into DDoS attacks. These devices usually run basic Linux distributions that can only perform some essential functions, but when their powers combine, they can become powerful enough to aid in powerful DDoS attacks.

There are other reasons for attackers to target these IoT smart devices. For example, they can mine cryptocurrency, act as command and control servers, or even serve as entry points into corporate networks.

For larger devices from large companies, holes tend to be patched out quickly thanks to software updates, but with smaller devices, updates are often few and far between, leaving these devices with gaping holes that malicious individuals can easily target.

“For example, whether using hardcoded credentials, open ports or unpatched vulnerabilities, Linux-running IoT devices are a low-hanging fruit for threat actors — and their en masse compromise can threaten the integrity of critical internet services,” said Mihai Maganu in Crowdstrike’s report.

According to Crowdstrike’s report, XorDDoS, Mirai, and Mozi were the most popular families, making up about 22% of Linux-targeting malware attacks observed in 2021.

If this trend continues, we could see even more malware come out for Linux devices in 2022. If there are easy security holes to access, hackers will find them, regardless of the operating system.

Keep your devices updated as often as patches are available to ensure you’re secure. Not only will these updates add new features, but they’ll help keep your network safe. Also, think about the companies you choose to add to your smart home. Will the firm patch out any holes, or will they move on to the next product? These are essential factors to consider when choosing your next smart home purchase.

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